Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Specialty Practice
Photos of the Points East West Veterinary Services hospital in Squamish.
This 16-foot-long computerized pressure mat measures every footfall, to detect subtle lameness that cannot be seen by the naked eye.
Each examination room is equipped with a soft floor mat, so that pets do not have to experience the stress of being placed on a stainless-steel table.
Our new larger rehabilitation room is for teaching and performing therapeutic exercises, a key tool for recovery from injury or surgery, and for preventing injury in the first place.
This room is used to prepare patients for surgery, and to recover them afterward. It also houses our regenerative medicine lab, where we process stem cells and platelet rich plasma.
Patients undergoing sedation or surgical anesthesia are monitored here. We chose a clear glass door for our large dog run for easy visualization, and to reduce patient stress.
Our new digital x-ray machine will provide us with ability to detect even subtle changes in bone.
This is where we perform ultrasounds to diagnose and measure the treatment response of soft tissue injuries.